
A Small Anatomy (4+)

My arms are longer than yours, so I can touch you from further away. You have very small fingers to quickly untie my laces. Your mouth is the largest, you can fit a whole sandwich in it. Your head is so small that it can disappear completely into my armpit. And what is it like inside? Is my hunger bigger than yours? Who needs to pee the most? And if cheerfulness had a color, would it be different for everyone?

In A Small Anatomy, four performers map the body and get to know it better. With dance and live music they take a journey through all the limbs, sensations and feelings that belong to the body. At first this goes decently, but soon the playful urge to explore creeps in. The feet fly off the floor, the thumbs dance in all directions and the performers climb on each other’s shoulders. The voice also participates: singing, growling, sneezing and occasionally some talking. Together with the audience, the performers discover that our bodies are all different. Sometimes they fit together perfectly, sometimes there is a big toe in the way.


February 11 Podium Hoge Woerd, de Meern
February 18 Theater aan het Spui, Den Haag
February 19 & 20 Theater De Krakeling, Amsterdam
February 21 Grand Theatre, Groningen
February 22 Theater De Lieve Vrouw, Amersfoort
February 25 Stadsschouwburg Utrecht, (PREMIÈRE)
March 3 Het Speelhuis, Helmond
March 10 Theater De Krakeling, Amsterdam
March 17 Schouwburg Concertzaal Tilburg, Tilburg
March 23 Schouwburg Kunstmin/ Energiehuis, Dordrecht
March 24 De Lawei, Drachten
March 31 MaasPodium, Rotterdam
April 1 Meervaart Theater, Amsterdam
April 13 Theater aan de Slinger, Houten
April 14 Lindenberg Theater, Nijmegen
April 21 Schuur, Haarlem
May 9 Verkadefabriek, ’s-Hertogenbosch
May 10 & 11, Hoogte80 Festival, Arnhem
May 12 Podium Sprits, Utrecht
May 18 Musis & Stadstheater, Arnhem


made possible by:


Choreography Josephine van Rheenen together with the cast
Live music and composition Hans Vermunt 
Performers Anna Bentivegna, Arturo Vargas, Hans Vermunt, Maxime Smeets
Dramaturgy Moniek Merkx
Artistic advice Guy Corneille
Directing assistant Julie Perree

Light design Tim van ‘t Hof
By the idea of Anna Bentivegna

Sound engineers Chieljan van der Hoek, Samia te Nuijl 
Production Danae Bos
Business management Miriam Gilissen
Education Sanne Wichman
Marketing and publicity Lizzy Schreijer
Acquisition Frontaal Theaterbureau
Artwork 75B
Thanks to Yoko Haveman, Timme Afschrift

Upcoming performances

Theaterfestival Boulevard, Den Bosch

Theaterfestival Boulevard, Den Bosch

Theaterfestival Boulevard, Den Bosch

Podium Zuidhaege, Assen

Parktheater Eindhoven

schoolvoorstelling, Heerhugowaard

schoolvoorstelling, Heerhugowaard

Cultuurcentrum Mol, Mol (BE)

De Parade, Utrecht

De Parade, Utrecht

De Parade, Utrecht

De Parade, Utrecht

De Parade, Utrecht
