

In Hush De Dansers seek solace in dance and music. A hand on your shoulder; a second voice that travels with you wherever you go; a rhythm you can lean into, as if in an embrace.

The band of dancers and musicians from the successful performance Shake Shake Shake (2019) finds each other again, on the border between dance performance and pop concert. Dancers become musicians, musicians become dancers. Sensitive guitar spins drive the performers into each other’s arms. Heaving bodies are imposing the rhythm of the music. Hush is not being told by individual achievement, but by the meticulous attention and dedication that lives between the performers. The musicians and dancers stand by each other, they support each other. Because if you want to be able to carry the world, it helps not to be alone.


In the autumn of 2022, De Dansers worked on a preliminary study entitled Hush: under construction. In the summer of 2023, Hush performed as a location performance at various festivals. The full-length theater version of Hush premiered in Utrecht on September 16th,  and is now on a LIVE theater tour through The Netherlands.


LIVE 2024

February 29 RotterdamMaasPodium
March 1 ZaandamZaantheater
March 6 AmsterdamBijlmer Parktheater
March 7 & 8 AmersfoortTheater De Lieve Vrouw
March 15  ’s-HertogenboschTheater aan de Parade
March 19 HelmondHet Speelhuis
March 20 EindhovenParktheater
March 21 HengeloSchouwburg Hengelo
March 27 & 28 AmsterdamTheater De Krakeling
March 29 & 30 UtrechtTheater Kikker
April 4 LeidenTheater Ins Blau
April 9 & 10 AmsterdamTheater Bellevue
April 11 Den HaagTheater aan het Spui
April 18 ZwolleZwolse Theaters



Supported by:

Concept Guy Corneille, Josephine van Rheenen
Choreography Josephine van Rheenen, i.s.m. spelers
LIVE music and dance Ruben van Asselt, Guy Corneille, Yoko Haveman, Marie Khatib-Shahidi, Wannes De Porre, Hans Vermunt
Decor- and light design Timme Afschrift
Costumes Carlijn Petermeijer
Sound engineer Chieljan van der Hoek
Dramaturgy Moniek Merkx
Production Danae Bos
Business management Miriam Gilissen
Education Sanne Wichman
Marketing and publicity Lizzy Schreijer
Acquisition Frontaal Theaterbureau
Campaign Photo Yoko Haveman
Artwork 75B
Photography Bart Grietens
Teaser Kay van Vree
Trailer Paul Sixta
With support from Gemeente Utrecht, Fonds Podiumkunsten


Upcoming performances

De Parade, Utrecht

De Parade, Utrecht

De Parade, Utrecht

De Parade, Utrecht

De Parade, Utrecht
